Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wordless Wednesday June 18

"I see the bad moon risin’ "

17 things they say:

Raven said...

Nice series of moon shots.

B said...

I love this montage, so pretty. Is that your golden retriever in ur pic? I'm just about to adopt a golden and I'm so excited.

tigerfish said...

When I see the moon, I think of the wolf! :P

carrie said...

great shots. it's so hard to get a clear one of the moon!

thanks for visiting my ww today!

Barb said...

Looks like we're in for nasty weather! Lovely moon collage!

Sunshinelene said...

this is a beautiful set of moon pics. :)

happy WW and thanks for the visit.

Life As I Know It said...

wow - love these moon shots!

Karen MEG said...

I love how you put those in a series! Great WW!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

Great series of photos!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blog!

Killlashandra said...

Neat idea to capture the moon over a period of time. :) Turned out good.

jams o donnell said...

Nice shots. I can just hear Creedence Clearwater Revival as I look at them!

Bobkat said...

Nice montage of moon rise shots. I love the song too :)

Happy WW! Thanks for visiting my blog.

jewellery by erin said...

These are fantastic. What a great job! It must have been a beautiful night.

Manic Mommy said...

Love the progression and the collage.

Happy WW.

poor man's nicole richie said...

i find it awesome how come you call it bad? or i'm missing something? if so pardon my ignorance. heehee
c",) Morning Sniffles

Anonymous said...

That was too cool. It looks like the moon never changed position from shot to shot.

Anonymous said...

That is really cool. I have seen them before but have no idea how to make a collage fo my page.